I made a sick boss fight, but with a cute robot

So I got this robot and I’m preparing it for a sick boss fight, but the robot is pretty boring.
Let’s give it some basic attacks.
Enter laser beam.
With this attack, the player can only avoid damage under the roof pieces from the far left or far right. To give the laser beam some variation, the robot will either start on the left or right side of the screen and move all the way across.
As the robot increases in difficulty, the beam becomes larger and the robot faster.
Next, let’s give the robot some rockets.
With this attack, the robot attempts to fire directly at the player, following the player’s movement temporarily with a laser sight.
There are some visual and sound cues to help the player before firing, but rockets increase in amount and speed with difficulty.
And lastly, the robot follows the player in an attempt to body slam the player, causing massive damage! Speed increases with difficulty.
However, the body slam has such an impact, that it reveals the robot’s weakness! A turret appears, aiming directly at the robot.
Reach the trigger in time and the player will have opportunity to hit the robot.
After 3 consecutive hits, the robot is defeated.

Thanks for reading! Happy coding everyone.
Robot Boss Fight
Defeat the Robot Boss with only Left and Right Arrows!
Status | Prototype |
Author | Jon Bednez |
Genre | Action |
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