Creating a foundation

Hello everyone!

So there are a bunch of changes I made..


Created a new level, involving mine carts. Players must move the carts to create a walkable path for the orcs. I'm using iTween for the animations. Its a great tool in the Unity Asset Store.

Made a manager class that will specify which level to load. Currently, using prefabs for my levels, but I'd like to move to Asset Bundles or Addressables.

At the beginning of each level, the camera rotates around the level, giving players knowledge of the puzzle.


Made a demo title screen, level screen and preloading screen. The preloading screen contains my manager classes, then when the level loads, an init script fills the references. At this point, the manager classes are static.

Added logic for when orcs die and exit, prompting game failure or completion with this popup.


When I started using prefabs and instantiating them, the lighting was way off. So I added an additional directional light, changed intensity and am using a bloom effect.

That's it for now. Hoping to get some more levels in and create some actions for the orcs.

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